City of Perry

Applications & Permits


Table of Contents

The following forms are available in .pdf format and can be downloaded by clicking on the name of the form. Permits are also available at City Hall 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Completed documents should be returned by mail, fax or e-mail.

Perry City Hall
203 West Polly Street
Perry, MI  48872

Phone: (517) 625-6155  Fax: (517) 625-6157 E-Mail:

If e-mailing or faxing completed forms, customers must call City Hall to make payment arrangements of applicable fees before the requested permit will be processed.

Fee Schedule
Assessor Forms
Building Inspector Forms
City Clerk Forms
Facility Rental Forms
Treasurer Forms
Zoning Administrator Forms
Zoning Board of Appeals Forms
Misc. Forms