City of Perry

Department of Public Works

Table of Contents

DPW Mission

The Department of Public Works (DPW) are available to ensure services in the city are maintained at the level residents expect. The DPW’s #1 Priority is to Serve the City of Perry with a dedicated working team. 

The DPW is on-call around the clock to maintain the infrastructure that supports the daily life of City residents. The water system, sewer system and streets in our community are managed with the highest consideration for quality, convenience and efficiency.

Phone: (517) 625-4500, 24-hours a day for emergencies.

The Department of Public Works is headquartered at the southwest end of Lamb Street immediately west of City Hall. DPW Staff is on duty 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. In addition, a staff member is always on call for emergencies.

Important Links
Yard Waste Disposal

Yard Waste, Leaves, Grass Clippings, Organic and Bio-Degradable Vegetation may be dropped off by City Residents in the appropriate designated area(s) at the DPW Lot.

Click here for Yard Waste Rules and Guidelines

Brush/Yard Waste Pick-Up Calendar
Snow Removal
Hydrant Flushing

Hydrant flushing is done on a routine basis, as determined by the DPW Superintendent. Whenever possible, hydrants are flushed as needed beginning in April and ending in October. Flushing is generally done over a 4-Day period.

When the Hydrants are being Flushed – USE EXTRA CAUTION WHEN DOING LAUNDRY!!

Wood Chips

The city maintains a wood chip pile for resident’s use. Residents may load their own chips or DPW personnel will load the chips in a truck or trailer at a cost of $3 per loader bucket. Window to have wood chips loaded in your vehicle is 3 to 3:15 p.m. Please contact the DPW 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. to arrange an appointment.  Access to wood chips is weather dependent.

Water System

The City of Perry Water System has a 200,000-gallon storage tank and an average daily flow of about 160,000-gallons which increases during warmer weather. The water system is monitored daily to assure the highest quality of water possible, and to meet standards set by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. Meter Reading has been updated with time-saving devices added to all water meters. This device (transponder) allows the meter to be read from the road via radio transmission to a handheld computer. This process has allowed staff to dedicate more time on regular maintenance and less time walking door-to-door to read meters.

Sewer System

The City of Perry Sewer System, maintained by the DPW, is comprised of seven pump stations located throughout the city, which requires constant monitoring and maintenance to assure continuous 24-7 operation. The DPW staff also maintains a Lagoon system on Bath Road near the railroad tracks, which also requires constant maintenance to assure proper operation. In early Spring, when the ice melts, the warmer water rises to the top of the pond. Because this is a natural process, there usually is an odor emitted. This is called the ‘rollover,’ and should only last a few days. Necessary steps are always taken to assure this process occurs quickly so the odor problem is present for the shortest time possible.