City of Perry

SATA Board Vacancy

There is a vacancy on the Shiawassee Area Transportation Authority (SATA) Board.  SATA is a county wide bus service of modest cost to riders. This position is filled by Mayoral Appointment.  Candidates must reside in the City of Perry.
Typically, appointments are for a three-year term. Due to an unexpected vacancy, this appointment is for a partial term ending October 2024.
The SATA Board meets at 7:00 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month.  The meetings are held at 180 N. Delaney Rd. Owosso. Mary Rice is the executive director and can be reached by calling (989) 729-2687 if you have questions or would like more information. 
If you are interested, complete this form or Contact Mayor Sue Hammond or phone (517) 625-6155 ext. 231. 

Posted: July 12, 2023

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