City of Perry

Public Input Survey

The State of Michigan requires cities and towns to have a current Master Plan and City of Perry is updating ours.

We are seeking feedback from Perry residents, business owners, and those who use the city for work, shopping, and activities. We need to hear your thoughts and suggestions for how to make a better Perry in the future.

  • What new ideas for Perry do you think would enhance the quality of life?
  • What things are you most proud of in Perry?
  • What are some things you would like to see change in Perry?

Representatives of McKenna, the consultant assisting in this project, will be at the “Summer Fun Night” and welcome the opportunity to chat with you about our vision for Perry.  There will be a few interactive vision boards as well.

In addition to attending Summer Fun Night, we also encourage you to complete this community wide survey.

Take the survey and help us develop the Perry of the future that we all want to live in.  The survey will cover topics like quality housing, parks and recreation, transportation options, and commercial spaces- the City needs to hear from you. 

Posted July 12, 2023

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