City of Perry

Citizen Participation

Expectations of Elected and Appointed Positions

Citizen participation is crucial to the success of The City of Perry as a home rule city. Your city government needs your support and advice in its continuing efforts toward responsive local government. Participation on City Boards, Commissions, and Committees is the major way you can contribute.

The mayor, with City Council consensus, appoint Board, Commission, and Committee Members after reviewing notifications of interest from resident applicants. Individuals interested in serving may simply apply online or pick up an application form at the City Clerk’s Office, or have a form mailed to them.

Board, Commission, and Committee duties are specified by the City Council, ordinance, or by resolution. All members of Boards, Committees, and Commissions are limited to City residents.

Interested parties should familiarize themselves with the City Charter prior to applying to ensure they can commit to the position they are seeking.  All elected and appointed positions will be required to take an oath of office.

Interested parties should have:

  • The ability to commit 5-20 hours per month to review materials provided by staff.
  • The ability to attend regular meetings.
  • The ability to read and understand plans, ordinances, and other municipal documents.
  • The desire to learn new laws, tools, processes.
  • Empathy and respect for fellow officials, staff, applicants and the public.
  • The desire to move the community forward in a positive manner.

City Council
The City Council exercises the legislative powers of city government, including adopting the annual City budget, ordinances, and resolutions; setting appropriate tax levies; establishing sewer and water rates; setting other general tax and service rates; Mayoral veto override authority, and setting the Council agenda. Other responsibilities for City Council Members include introducing legislation, setting City policy, and giving advice and consent on appointments made by the mayor to City boards, commissions and departments.

Standing Committees
Each council member will serve on two or three standing committees, as appointed by the mayor.  Current committees include the Ordinance Committee, Parks Committee, Technology Committee, and the Personnel Committee.

The public is welcome and encouraged to attend meetings of the City Council. Regular meetings are held the first and third Thursday of each month at 7:00pm at City Hall in Council Chambers. 

Consisting of the mayor and six members, each member is elected for four-year terms.

Planning Commission
The Planning Commission is responsible for reviewing site plans and special land use applications, overseeing the City’s Master Plan and Capital Improvement Program, and recommending zoning ordinance and map amendments to City Council.

The public is welcome and encouraged to attend meetings of the Planning Commission. Regular meetings are held the first Monday of each month at 7:00pm at City Hall in Council Chambers. 

Consisting of seven members, each Commissioner is appointed for three-year terms.

Board of Review
Every township and city in Michigan have a Board of Review to hear appeals from property owners who believe that their property has been inaccurately assessed and to make appropriate corrections to the assessment or tax roll, or to correct errors from current or previous years, depending on the month in which the meeting is held.

The Board of Review meets Tuesday immediately following the first Monday in March to examine the assessment roll, meets with the public on the 2nd Monday in March starting at 9:00 am for 6-hrs and the following day with at least one night session.  The board will also meet in December, if needed.

Consisting of three members, each Board member is appointed for three-year terms.

Zoning Board of Appeals
The Zoning Board of Appeals is responsible for overseeing interpretations of the zoning code, appeals of decisions by staff, the planning commission, and city council, as well as variances.  The Board of appeals meets on the call of the chairman.

Consisting of three members, each board member is appointed for three-year terms.

Local Officers Compensation Commission (LOCC)
Formed under city code 280, the LOCC determines the pay of the mayor and council.  The Commission only meets during odd number years and makes a determination within 45 days of the first meeting.  Council has the right to reject the determination by resolution.

Consisting of five members, each commission member is appointed for five-year terms.

Other Appointments
There are various boards that provide services throughout Shiawassee County, because Perry is within their service area the mayor/council has the opportunity to appoint a citizen representative.  More information on responsibilities and meeting schedules can be acquired by reaching out to city hall for details.  The groups include but are not limited to: the I-69 International Trade Corridor, SSESA Board, Shiawassee Council on Aging, Community District Library, and SATA Board.