City of Perry

New Curbside Trash Provider

Updated: April 3, 2023

Granger has begun picking up carts with their last collection this morning.

Waste Management will begin delivery of new carts this afternoon and expects all residents to have a cart at their property by Wednesday. Each cart will have an informational flyer attached to it. If you don’t see the flyer hanging out, open the lid and check inside. Please reference this flyer for details on your new service. A copy can also be found HERE.

The first Waste Management pick up will be FRIDAY, April 14. Have your cart at the curb by 6:00 a.m.

We acknowledge that there will be a longer period between your last Granger pick up, and your first Waste Management pick up – but Waste Management has agreed they will recover EVERYTHING that is left at the curb on Friday, April 14.

Every week you are entitled to one bulk item in addition to your cart service. Place it at the curb for Friday pick up, there is no need to schedule this item as was previously required.


Updated: March 31, 2023

Granger will pick up garbage for the last time in the City Monday, April 3.

Please LEAVE your Curby Cart at the road, Granger will be collecting all of their brown containers throughout the week.

Waste Management will be delivering new carts for their service to begin.  We are still awaiting a delivery date but will post an update as soon as we receive further instruction from Waste Management.  Residents should also anticipate direct communication from Waste Management regarding their service via mail.

The City’s new trash pick-up day will be FRIDAY.

For more information on Trash and Yard Waste Services included in your utility bills, visit our website:

Resident Resources


The City’s contract with Granger for trash service will expire April 5th. 

City Council called for bids for a new contract earlier this month – and two service providers responded: Granger and Waste Management.  Extensive review of the proposals was completed and both cost and services offered to our residents was taken into account.  Upon careful consideration, Council moved to authorize a new contract with Waste Management. While the city had been able to offer trash service for the same rate since June of 2018,  either proposal would have resulted in a cost increase to residents for curbside trash pick-up due to inflation, gas prices, etc. 

The cost will be approximately $4.00 more per month per household.  The city is happy to announce that your cost for services will now include one bulk item pick up weekly (restrictions apply).  New carts will be provided, please anticipate communication directly from Waste Management in the coming weeks regarding cart delivery and changes to services offered.  (Note: curbside recycling was considered, but the cost of the service made it not feasible at this time.)

Posted: March 20, 2023

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