City of Perry

“Need to Know” Ordinance Updates

The Perry City Council, with the support of the Ordinance Committee, has been reviewing, clarifying, and updating the City’s ordinances.  Ordinances (both codified and zoning) define many of the rules and requirements that define the expectations for our city government, businesses, and residents.  They are intended to help maintain public health and safety, zoning, public morals, behavior and general welfare of the city.

Information regarding all the City’s ordinances can be found on our website.  Located using these links “Charter/Ordinances” or “Zoning Ordinances”).

The following are a few highlights of recently updated ordinances that everyone should review and take any necessary action to ensure their compliance:

Numbering of Buildings (Ordinance Chapter 1444)

(a)   All buildings in the City shall bear a distinctive street number at or near the front entrance of the premises (see optional locations in (c)).
(b)   The owners and occupants of all buildings in the City must have the correct numbers displayed in accordance with the street plan map. The numbers shall be not less than two inches wide and four inches high (see size exception in division (c) of this section) and shall be of contrasting colors to the building/mounting surface, facing the street and in such position as to be plainly visible from the adjacent street.
(c)   Acceptable street number locations are:
      (1)   Near the front entrance of the premises facing the street.
      (2)   On the street facing portion of an attached garage.
      (3)   On or near the resident’s mailbox facing the street or if on the side of the mailbox or post must be on both sides (only if single mailbox on same side of street and in front of premises). Numbers shall be not less than one and one-half inches wide and two inches high.
(4)   On an ornamental yard accessory facing the street in front of premises. Numbers must be clearly visible from the adjacent street at all times of the year.

Edging of Sidewalks (Ordinance Chapter 678.01)

No person shall allow any grass, weeds, or vegetation to encroach on any sidewalk which would reduce exposed sidewalk to less than 42 inches in width.

Noxious Weeds / Tall Grass-Vegetation (Chapter 678.01)


Nuisance Abatement – Debris / Junk / Trash (Chapter 678.05)


Junk Motor Vehicles (Chapter 678.01)

CHAPTER 696 Junk Motor Vehicles (

Noise – Barking Dogs (Chapter 670.03-j)

670.03 NOISE. (

Fireworks (Chapter 692.01)

692.01 FIREWORKS. (

Open Burning (Chapter 678.03)


Off Road Vehicles (ORV) (Chapter 490)

CHAPTER 490 Off-Road Vehicles (

Golf Carts on City Streets (Chapter 492)

CHAPTER 492 Golf Carts on City Streets (

Vehicle Parking Location (Zoning Ordinance – Section 7.05)

City of Perry Zoning Ordinance

All Night Parking (Chapter 412.10)

412.10 FEE SCHEDULE. (

Winter Parking (Chapter 412.11)

412.11 Winter Parking. (

Snow and Ice Removal from Sidewalks (Chapter 678.02-b)


Posted: June 2, 2023

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