City of Perry

Request for Proposal: DPW Barn & Salt Storage

 Click the button above to view the complete Request for Proposal.

Email to request a digital copy of the blueprints.

Addendum 1 – Jan. 24, 2025

Q: Do the trusses and 2×8 wall studs all need to be pressure treated due to the salt exposure?
A: Treated 2×8 wall studs would be preferred in the salt storage area but are not listed in the plans. Only the 2×8 sill plate is listed as treated in the plans.

Q: Sheet A9, I believe they made a typo on the truss/ plate tie iso. They called for a galvanized 6×6 post base. Do they mean they want the truss plates / gussets galvanized? 
A: For truss plates on engineered trusses galvanized or stainless steel would be sufficient.  

Addendum 2 – Jan. 28, 2025

Q: Is there an elevation for the finish floor height of the new building in relation to the existing site? Is there a benchmark we are using at the existing site?
A: There is a site plan with elevations listed that will be sent to all contractors who have requested blueprints.

Q: The concrete stoop shown on detail sheet A-15 is shown on the floor plan in front of only 1 of the exterior doors. Is that correct? Is there a size and thickness?
A: 5-foot x 5-foot x 6 inches thick for all man doors.

Q: Concrete aprons are shown on multiple detail sheets but are not shown on the floor plan in front of any of the overhead doors. Do you have locations, sizes, thickness, and reinforcement?
A: We will address this as an add-on or the City will contract this work based on budget and cost.

Q: The 14′ x 14′ overhead door is shown on sheet A8 with 3-16″ LVL for headers, then shown on sheet A14 with 3-20″ LVL headers. Can you clarify?
A: Section detail A14 is the correct spec.

Q: At the soffit detail, it is showing a 1/2″ exterior grade OSB clad with metal. Do you have a spec or manufacturer for this product?
A: Bidder preference

Q: Roof details show 1/2″ roof sheeting under the metal roof panels, normally 5/8″ is the minimum. Do we quote the 1/2″? 
A: if the minimum standard supersedes the print, use the minimum standard.  

Q: Concerning the metal roofing panels, are they to be a 36″ wide exposed fastener panel, or a standing seam type with concealed fasteners.
A: Bidder preference

Addendum 3 – Feb. 11, 2025

Q: Will the building that is there be demolished or will it need to be torn down?
A: The building pictured in the site plan was a total loss in a tornado. Demolition has been completed but there may still be some grading and site prep remaining.

Addendum 4 – Feb. 12, 2025

Q: One plan shows LVL purlins on the interior, why?  We are planning on standard 2×4 purlins throughout job as noted on the elevation page.  Please clarify.
A: Carriers to remain LVL, girts can be standard as listed in building section F.

Posted: January 16, 2025
Last Updated: February 12, 2025

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